I've got mail this morning , a very interesting mail from our solicitor. Finally we've come to the final stage of purchased, the contract signing..=) I read a few details of the contract and I'm quite happy of everything, just have to wait for my hunny so we could both review the contract, sign it and post back. We still have one more thing to do to finalise our purchased as mandatory when you buy a property here in the UK (I supposed most countries). With so many Insurance companies here in the UK I'm sure we have a lot of options to compare and get the best deal. Home insurance is necessary and as such most mortgage lenders insist that you get building insurance before they approve the mortgage. We can't be sure of everything this days, burglars or even accident like fire which we don't usually expect to happen. This is the most expensive purchased I got in my whole life so it need or I need to be insured..right?
Mind you when we applied for our house mortgage it wasn't just a building insurance we are asked and offered to get, there's Life insurance, content insurance, Critical illness, and many more I can't remember now..toink!hehe.. Anyway apart from that we were also asked to get Mortgage Protection which we both thought a very sensible policy to get. With this insurance if in case we have accident or something happen to us or one of us (huwag naman sana) that will disable us to continue working, we are still protected as this will continue paying our mortgage maximum 5 years we are out of work. Isn't it brilliant?
Anyhow back to finding house insurance, here are some Insurance companies I browsed MoneySupermarket , GoCompare, Meerkat . Aviva and many more. Please feel free to click and get some information in here if you are looking for Home Insurance like me. One of the insurance offers a free meerkat toy..guess what?hehe... Hope we could decide soon ourselves and get the best policy that suits us.. To God be the Glory!!
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