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Thursday, 28 October 2010
Couples Excuse
"I will do it tomorrow" hmmm..a very common excuse when you don't feel like doing something, too lazy or don't like it at all perhaps.hehe..I guess this excuse is often made by my bunny, and I say it as well but not as often as he does. And this excuse I remember was made so often while we were preparing our wedding. Just like when I asked him "have you asked someone (a friend) if he could be our usher or him (a friend) if he could do the first reading, and then I always got the "I will do it or ring him tomorrow" and then week ends with no results at all. We seemed to argue almost every week when we were preparing our wedding cos I get annoyed with him like it seemed he always need reminding. But we got over it, I get to my bunny and I seemed to get used to him as well. There's just one thing I keep on asking him to do that he always give me the "I will do it tomorrow or next time" answer is that to read our marriage book that was a gift to us on our wedding. Until now he haven't read a single page! And in my case I tend to say this excuse when bunny asked me to change our bed sheet.hehe..Cos sometimes I feel lazy doing it. That's all I can remember, I'm feeling a bit lazy doing blogging, so please bare with me, I feel a bit frustrated as I still can't find work! I'll visit you guys when I feel a bit more enthusiastis.Happy CC!
Couples Corner,
Our love story
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
My First Ever Blog Award!
I always do check my c-box as soon as I open my blog each day and last night while I was writing my Ruby Tuesday entry I noticed a new message in my c-box. It says "EINZ: passing one lovely blog award for you. check it out!" Was a bit confused at first but when I open the name EINZ I was delighted to see my blog as one of the list in the Lovely Blog Award passed by my new blog follower and newly discovered blogger friend Momytots. Thanks sis for this first ever award, and now it's my turn to pay it forward to 15 other bloggers. Whew, another good reason to stay blogging
( Ma pipissed off na naman ng bonggang bongga ang asawa ko sa tagal ko sahehe computer!) and opportunity to discover new friends in blogging world! Nice to meet you Momytots. By the way care to tell me your real name sis?hehe..I'll start my blog search tomorrow! Cheers!
( Ma pipissed off na naman ng bonggang bongga ang asawa ko sa tagal ko sahehe computer!) and opportunity to discover new friends in blogging world! Nice to meet you Momytots. By the way care to tell me your real name sis?hehe..I'll start my blog search tomorrow! Cheers!
My Random Thoughts
Indigestion Problem
My bunny is having an indigestion problem this past few days. I'm getting a bit worried because it gives him sleepless nights and makes him feel uneasy especially if he's at work. Last Friday night he never slept well due to this problem and Sunday night again, and then yesterday he complained about it while he was at work. In fact he didn't finish his lunch cos he said he gets full easily and feels like his tummy was bloating. So I researched about Indigestion problem yesterday, and I found out from the Home Remedies website that Stress and Anxiety causes indigestion. I'm not giving any stress to my bunny this past few days, I've been good.(hehe) So for sure it's from work cos one of his colleagues resigned so he does most of the work and school term just started 3 weeks ago so each day he's packed of students asking him to install or fix this or that. Fast eating without chewing properly, Heavy meal, Consuming excess alcohol, Smoking, Pregnancy, Peptic ulcer,Anti-inflammatory drugs, Changes in lifestyle, Diseases that affect digestive organs are the following that causes indigestion.
So to avoid indigestion, Avoid large meals, take small and frequent meals. Increase water intake and drink herbal tea. Abstain from smoking and alcoholic beverages. Avoid tea, coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine. Avoid hot spicy and fatty foods. Restrict intake of chocolates. Oh dear I don't like the chocolate restriction, lol. But bunny have to follow, so he's abstaining from having hot choc for our night drink,he's having honey,vanilla and chamomile tea instead. Because I found out that herbal tea's and ginger tea after meal are good for indigestion. And if you want an instant relief put a baking soda in water and drink it.

My Random Thoughts
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
My Red Pyjama
Last 2 months ago my MIL gave me a shopping treat at Sainsburys Hempstead Valley in Chatham. She used her nectar points credits which she earned from her 2 days a week shopping at Sainsburys (one of the biggest supermarket in the UK). Yes she earned quite a lot, and she bought me this
pair of red pyjamas which is really nice and comfortable.
I like to wear it in cold nights,warm enough and it suits me well. MIL actually bought me 2, the other is a pair of black pyjamas which is nice as well but bit tight though.hehe..So grateful of my in laws really especially my PIL. Thanks God for these wonderful people!
I'm joining this in Ruby Tuesday meme. Have a good day everyone!
I'm joining this in Ruby Tuesday meme. Have a good day everyone!
Ruby Tuesday
Monday, 25 October 2010
Our New Found Hobby
I love spending time with my bunny,we always make sure we do things together especially on weekends. Outdoors, we go shopping together on Saturday, have a walk in the village at our usual walking area, play croquet with PIL in the garden if the weather is nice. Or if we prefer to stay indoor due to bad weather or me bit lazy to go out,we clean the room (hehe..bit boring this one),or we watch DVD movie or CSI for we both like it, we play card or board games with parents in law during the night and our most favourite bonding is playing computer games. Haha,it makes us argue sometimes like which bit to move (in Cradle of Rome game)or he gets annoyed with me cos I moved the puzzle in a wrong direction from what he said,and I get annoyed with him sometimes if we can't finished the puzzle and the times up!grrr..It has a benefit to us as well because we make a good team in working things out and be successful with the puzzle, hope we can apply it on our marriage day by day. And last time when we went shopping in west wood cross to get PIL a present and card we found this very interesting computer game at WHSmith.I recommended it to him before but I wasn't able to convinced him in buying it, yet that time I did. It was on sale, buy one get one so I persuaded him again. It's a Big Fish Mystery Case File games. Somewhat like a detective game, like your going to search and recover a certain things given and try to work out a puzzle in order to proceed to next place or door. Oh dear, we argued a lot as we played it because I can't get him out of the computer and he won't let me have the mouse =( . But good thing we managed to finish the 2 games without a big fight,hehe..And I guess my bunny got really hooked with the Case files game so last Saturday he convinced me to get more of it at as we can get the games cheaper in this website than we did at WHSmith. So how many did he get, 7! 7 Mystery Case files game in one buy,hmmmm...He convinced me very well and I was hooked too I guess, in fact I am so excited for it to arrive soon.hehe..It's free delivery so we'll be waiting a bit longer, I'm inclined to say we found a new hobby.lols.. At least we'll get ourselves occupied in the winter or at times we are lazy to go outdoor.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
I love Reading
I love reading,reading books is one of my hobby. Novels and fiction interests me a lot. I am starting to collect novels and fiction books now. My bunny bought me "The Last Empress of China" by Anchee Min in Matlock Bath during our honeymoon. It was on sale and I like the story but haven't started it yet. I bought one as well before our wedding, "The Mistress of Rome", it's about the survival of a slave girl in Rome, who apparently caught the eye of the emperor. I started reading it but I get lost sometime because it jumps from one story to another and it got loads of character. Aside from that it's a bit violent, somewhat like a gladiator thing. How the author describe it is really fierce, so I didn't bother to finish or prolong my reading. It's a shame though, it's written by Kate Quinn by the way if you know her. I like reading adventure as well, and magical like "Lord of the Ring", "Narnia", and all time favourite and my bunny's favourite as well, written by J.K Rowling, the "Harry Potter".hehe..My bunny gave me all of the 7 books which I left in the Phils. cos it's too heavy to bring here and he got all of it as well. In fact I'm going to start reading the last book "Deathly Hallows" to freshen up my mind since it's going out to the cinema next month. But I need to finish the book I am currently reading though before starting the "Harry Potter 7".I borrowed one from the library in the village with my MIL. It's true story of a British girl who was abused sexually,mentally,emotionally and physically by her own father during her childhood. How she survived it and cope with her marriage failures and depression cos of the past.Entitled "Escaping Daddy" by Maria Landon. I'm nearly at the end, hope I could finish it tomorrow and start the "Harry Potter" right after to keep me busy and stop thinking negative things and get frustrated at the end of the day!
My Random Thoughts
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Weekend Shopping Spree!
It's getting colder and colder each day here in England. Wet and cold autumn if I'm gonna describe it. We're quite lucky this week cos at least we got a bit of sunshine from time to time. I just hate it when it's cold and wet, can't it just be cold not wet or wet not cold rather than both?phbtt.. I seem to be lazy to get up every morning cos of that, sometimes I let my MIL prepare my hunny's lunch for work ( bad wife!..hehe) cos I can't wake up that early like 8am. It's cold and cozy, nice time to just spend in bed. But I do wake up with bunny early sometimes if I can and prepare his lunch, but not most of the because it's getting colder and winter is fast approaching as well, bunny and I went shopping today for my winter or cold days stuff. Like winter coat, scarf, gloves, hat and brolly, I bought a few of long sleeve tops as well. Thanks to my SIL for the gift vouchers she gave me, and the additional gift from PIL to buy my new winter coat. It is lovely, quite expensive but very nice. Thanks to grandpa for the bday money and my bunny for the additional shopping I bought today!We got our own Matalan card as well today, now we can shop there anytime of day. It's like a membership card and if you don't have one you can't go shopping in there.They gave me a £5.00 voucher as well to be discounted in my next shopping, don't know when though, lol..To sum it all, I had a lovely day cos of my shopping spree! And by the way I cooked our dinner tonight and we have pancit and white wine to go with it!yummy!
My Random Thoughts,
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Stolen Shots from Our Wedding
Another Nostalgia week, how time flies so fast. Seems like only yesterday when I share my last nostalgia entry about My Partners in Crime. And this week I'm gonna share to you some stolen shots on our wedding day. You see you're like a super star on your wedding day, photos here and there, just like you are followed by a paparazzi so you need to smile all the time. Lucky that most of the camera's our friends and family had seemed to be friendly over me on that day so most of my photos even the stolen one's looks fine, considering it was just me who put my make-up. Anyways here are some of the funny and cute stolen shots on our wedding day taken by some friends and family;
My bunny and Helen (my MIL's sister) trying to help grandpa Smith (92 yrs.old) for the picture taking |
My FIL and MIL looking back at something or somebody?hehe |
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Bunny and I being interviewed by the girls, Emilia and Phoebe |
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This one was taken by Mark Lewis a friend from church, my cousin Annabelle and I catching up |
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My bunny talking to friends from church and the wonderful minister Steve (the chap with glasses) who administered our wedding service |
Stolen shots worth a thousand words isn't it?hehe..How about you reminiscing something? Click here and join.
Life Celebration,
our wedding,
Stolen Shots
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Not as Often as I do
If you wonder why I put this photo, it's because bunny and I are both Libra that means we both celebrate our birthday in October. Bunny was on 4th and mine is today 20th..yes today, another year to live, laugh and love!Thank you Lord!
Anyway this week's topic is "No dear". I hate this phrase! My bunny doesn't say "no" to me as often as I say "no" to him but everytime he says "no" it's mostly to the thing I oh so want to have or do.. phbtt. Like I want a certain dress, he will say "no hunny it's so flunging, don't like the colour, it's too exposed..(haist), When I tickle him he often says no (hehe..fair sometimes). And he said "no" to the 2nd crosstitch pattern I want him to buy me but yes to the first one!lol..And he's a big no no no of me drinking beer, cos he doesn't like beer. And above all I hate him is that when I asked him if I'm fat, he always say "no" which sometimes I think he's lying cos I gained almost 5 lbs already and my tummy is bulging now.grrrr..But aside from all of these I can't think of the time when my bunny said "NO NO" to me..Because sometimes I act like a brat!hehe..I love you hunny!
Couples Corner,
Married life,
Our love story
It's my Birthday!
Oh dear, seems like only yesterday when my mama gave birth to a cute, adorable baby girl whom they called " Cutie" or their "Coy".(toink!) And today she's 23 years old. And how she began her day, she was awaken by her hunny's sweet kisses, greeting and a little lovin (wink). She wasn't feeling so special it's just like the usual ordinary day but as she went downstairs for breakfast, there you go, present and cards were waiting for her on the table. Oh wow it is indeed my day! hehe..I got a hair dryer present from PIL (Yay!I don't need to get one!) and a card that says " To a special daughter in-law, may this day be as lovely as you" (blush) hehe, thanks mother and father. A sweet card and a very generous £50 cheque from grandpa who's turning 93 next month, thanks and I love you! And my bunny gave me a wonderful card that says " To my Wonderful Wife on her birthday; In every single thing you do,in every moment that we share, your happiness comes shining through. It's plain to see how much you care. And though my life is full of blessings there are more than just a few, you know the very best one of them all is that I am married to you." Oh so sweet isn't it?Thanks very much hunny, you know I feel the same. Auntie Janet and Uncle Bob sent me a card too, and my SIL Alison, Paul and Phoebe and Emilia, thanks for the cute card and gift vouchers =). To my family thanks for celebrating my bday in the beach last Sunday, to my Mama thanks so much for the unconditional love which taught me to love and be kind to others, to my Papa, thanks for the wonderful memories, for teaching me how to dream, excel and be strong in life. I miss you and I love you so very much! For my siblings thanks for instilling in my mind the phrase "I'll be there for you" and the true meaning of giving. To my friends thanks for those times you understood me when no one else did, I miss you all. To everyone who greeted me thanks very much, you made me feel so loved =). And above all thanks to you my Lord for another opportunity to live, laugh and love. Thanks for all the blessings you gave,give and you will give me. For the wonderful people in my life that I profoundly treasure so much for giving me my husband. Forgive me for the shortcomings,for the times I lose hope and been so weak, please give me wisdom,courage and strength to face my new life here in England, be a good wife to my bunny and above all be your servant all through my days.Before I blow the cake let me wish;
I wish things will be settled soon, I can get a job and we'll be able to get our own house that we will make a home.
Life Celebration,
My Birthday
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Chatsworth House Sculpture Gallery
We're back to Chatsworth House today.We visited this state house during our honeymoon and I've blogged a lot about our visit there, the water features and maze, the magnificent wall and ceiling paintings and the paintings of duke and duchess of Devonshire for the past centuries, and what I like most is the Royal collections. And today I'm gonna share to you another valuable and historic work of art collections of the house; The Sculpture Gallery.
The sculpture collection in the house, garden and park spans over 4000 years. It was the 6th Duke William Spencer Cavendish who built the gallery and started the collections from the age of 28 until his death, aged 68.
This is the vistel virgin sculpture, it was featured from the film "Pride and Prejudice" by the actress Keira Knightley. What amazes me is that how they carved the veil that looks so real.
The Duke positioned busts of himself and Canova above copies of two lions (which you can slightly see at the nest photo) Canova had made for the tomb of Pope Clement XIII (1536-1605) at St. Peters in Rome.
The Duke visited Italy and met some of the best artists of his time. He became great friends with the famous sculptor Antonio Canova (1757-1822) and this gallery could be seen as a shrine to the artist.To make the marble sculpture, Canova would have begun by drawing sketches, then making a small clay model to perfect the composition before creating a full size versions in plaster.
This chandelier though caught my attention cos of the very artistic look.
Click here and share your world! Don't forget to leave a thoughtful thoughts for Roxxy! =)
Anything About England,
Arts and Crafts,
My World Tuesday
Monday, 18 October 2010
Super Typhoon "Megi" hits northern Philippines
After I've done my morning routine, turning the computer on is always next thing to do. I signed in to facebook, then email, then my blog. As I signed out from my yahoo mail a horrible news struck and caught my attention;
An intense "super typhoon" has made landfall in the northern Philippines, lashing the area with heavy rain and winds of up to 225km/h (140mph).
At least one person has been reported killed, and thousands have fled their homes. Emergency services are on alert, and many schools are closed.
Typhoon Megi is the strongest storm the Philippines has faced for four years.
In 2006, a storm with winds of 155km/h triggered mudslides, burying villages and killing about 1,000 people.
Tropical cyclones formed in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons, but are classified on a scale of one to five in the same way as Atlantic Ocean hurricanes.
Strong typhoons with sustained winds of at least 130 knots (150mph; 240km/h), are referred to as super typhoons, according to the US Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
Forecasters said Megi was a super typhoon as it made landfall, but weakened slightly as it made its way across the northern Philippines.
"Super Typhoon Megi hits northern Philippines!"
An intense "super typhoon" has made landfall in the northern Philippines, lashing the area with heavy rain and winds of up to 225km/h (140mph).
At least one person has been reported killed, and thousands have fled their homes. Emergency services are on alert, and many schools are closed.
Typhoon Megi is the strongest storm the Philippines has faced for four years.
In 2006, a storm with winds of 155km/h triggered mudslides, burying villages and killing about 1,000 people.
Tropical cyclones formed in the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons, but are classified on a scale of one to five in the same way as Atlantic Ocean hurricanes.
Strong typhoons with sustained winds of at least 130 knots (150mph; 240km/h), are referred to as super typhoons, according to the US Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
Forecasters said Megi was a super typhoon as it made landfall, but weakened slightly as it made its way across the northern Philippines.
The related news was taken from BBC and to read all the typhoon story Click here.
It is likely this months Philippines experienced such devastating force of nature. Typhoons are forecasted everywhere. We are just so luckily in our province that we are not that much affected when this kind of disturbance strikes. I am not that worried with my family now, chatted to my sister and she said they are fine. She didn't even know it was that horrible. (toink!I am more updated tha her..hehe)But I am still worried, about my fellow Filipino's, how many lives were affected after that.Properties being destroyed like farms which is just the only livelihood of most of my fellow Filipino's. The fishermen as well, during this horrible weather means they can't go in the sea fishing. Nothing to provide for the family. Especially those living in Northern part of the Philippines, they lost their houses, livestock, properties and livelihood. Now living in a crowded evacuation centre. I can't do a lot about this really, all I can offer is my prayer, your prayer. Please take time to offer one, especially to my fellow Filipinos who are blogging. Pray for our country, for our fellow men, for our government that they will be able to give rescue and help to those in need and tackle the problems that lies ahead after the destruction. Father God we offer this to you..Amen.
Forces of Nature,
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Sunday Stealing 1st entry
26. Do you like someone? yes (I'll be specific if you're specific) lols
27. The last song you listened to? Hossana, from my mixpod
28. What time of day were you born? I don't know haven't asked my mama
29. What’s your favorite number? 8 and 20
30. Where did you live in 1987? Philippines, that was the year I was borne
31. Are you jealous of anyone?
32. Is anyone jealous of you? I don't know really, is there?
33. Where were you when 9/11 happened? Back in the Philippines
34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? smashed it!hehe
35. Do you consider yourself kind? Human as I am, sometimes not.
36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? back of my neck
37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? French or Chinese
38. Would you move for the person you loved? I already have!
39. Are you touchy feely? yes
40. What’s your life motto? Life is tough so keep fighting
41. Name three things that you have on you at all times? my wedding ring, ear-rings, socks
42. What’s your favourite town/city? A lot
43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash? A large 1st class stamp
44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it? Haven't done any
45. Can you change the oil on a car? Sure you can but I can't! lol
46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her? Nothing
47. How far back do you know about your ancestry? nothing at at all
48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy? on my hen-do I wore a veil
49. Does anything hurt on your body right now? no just so much itching!
50. Have you been burned by love? nope unless you clarify what burned would it be you meant! =)
Sunday Stealing
A Token of Love
Last Tuesday as I've blogged here, we celebrated the 36th year anniversary of my PIL.Amazing isn't it, 36th year of being together (giggle). And because of that my father in law did a very sweet gesture which made me giggle. He sent my mother in law this;
A lovely bunch of flowers as a token of his love to mother. That for 36 years he still do adore her and love her more than ever. I hope and pray that my hunny and I will be like this, get to our golden wedding anniversary and still he will adore me and will still say I'm as sexy as the day he met me.(toink!)
Joining this to Todays Flower meme. Have a great week ahead everyone!
Life Celebration,
today's flower
Friday, 15 October 2010
Negrense's Celebrating the "Masskara Festival"
Time flies so fast, weekend again. Oh dear halfway of October already next week, and I'm gonna be a year older again.And oh my fellow Negrense's are celebrating the "Masskara Festival" this month as well, and the highlights will start Friday night until the weekend. Bacolod is merry making, drinking and jamming by now as Electric night at the popular Lacson St.has started already or almost at the end now(lol). By the way here's the quick overview of the historic festival of Negrense;
The term Masskara is created from two words: mass, meaning crowd, and the Spanish word cara, for face; thus the double meaning for "mask" and "many faces". Originally and ironically, the masks reflected the people’s grief over the loss of their numerous loved ones when, in 1979, Negros Navigation’s luxury liner MS Don Juan crashed with a tanker. Five years before, there was a big drop in sugar production. The people of Negros suffered from the excess of sugar in the world market caused by the Caribbean sugar crisis and the introduction of sugar substitute like the High Fructose Corn Syrup in the United States. All these led to the holding of the first Masskara Festival in 1980. Santiago’s original proposal to hold annual parade using masks to capture the crisis in Negros, was changed by the local elite into street dancing and merry-making festival. This rich imagery of masks was used by the hacenderos and local politicians to hide the suffering of the Negrenses.
The term Masskara is created from two words: mass, meaning crowd, and the Spanish word cara, for face; thus the double meaning for "mask" and "many faces". Originally and ironically, the masks reflected the people’s grief over the loss of their numerous loved ones when, in 1979, Negros Navigation’s luxury liner MS Don Juan crashed with a tanker. Five years before, there was a big drop in sugar production. The people of Negros suffered from the excess of sugar in the world market caused by the Caribbean sugar crisis and the introduction of sugar substitute like the High Fructose Corn Syrup in the United States. All these led to the holding of the first Masskara Festival in 1980. Santiago’s original proposal to hold annual parade using masks to capture the crisis in Negros, was changed by the local elite into street dancing and merry-making festival. This rich imagery of masks was used by the hacenderos and local politicians to hide the suffering of the Negrenses.
Enjoy mga Negrense, this is our celebration!
Thursday, 14 October 2010
My Partners in Crime
They are the friend I know I can act like a complete idiot with.
My partner in crime, a sidekick to dirty deeds.
We were together all the time.
They are the ones that saw past all the people that spread lies about me.
The one's that got me through the days when I didn't wanna smile.
The one's told me I was too good for him.
But most importantly the one's who stayed true in a complicated world.
We're not perfect, we laughed too hard; we're way too loud
and we made complete fools of ourselves in public.
But doing it together made us Best Friends Forever!
I miss you guys!
My Nostalgia entry for the week.. Click herel to share yours.
Credit to Photobucket Friendship Quotes.
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