Blue..I was so attached with this colour during my highschool and college days. I don't know but it always get my attention and gives a very calm and vibrant feeling to me. Everytime I go for a dress shopping blue dresses always attracts me. In fact I chose blue as my wedding motif at first. The turquoise colour. Thinking that my wedding is to be on summer, bit warm so might as well choose cool colour. But unfortunately while I was surfing the net, I was really attracted by the colour burgundy so it didn't happen.
Just more than a month before our wedding, we were invited to the wedding of my husband's cousin last 29 of May 2010 in Oxford. It was avery long journey there and we were caught in very long queue of traffic in M21 so we were in the wedding service. They have Blue motif on their wedding.Haven't got photo of their brides maids dress though but here's their lovely three layered wedding cake with blue band and blue flowers. My mother inlaw took this photo with the bride and groom cutting their blue cake that's always present in English wedding tradition.
Another blue in a wedding..but this time my wedding.hehe..Hopefully she won't be upset or angry with me posting her photo here. It's a photo my mother inlaw in her blue, summery dress during our wedding last 2 weeks ago. And with her blue or turquoise fascinator as what they call it here. We bought the fascinator together in one of the shops here in town.She's really a wise buyer so she waited for the sale day before buying it and got 20% discount, clever isn't she?
English ladies are fond and likes wearing hair fascinators, alice band and hats weather it is flowery, feathery and colourful. They usually wear it on weddings and it's tradition here that a bride's mother should wear a hat through out the wedding.
10 Thoughtful thoughts for Roxxy:
Hi Sally.. this is my first entry and second blog,thank you for hosting blue Monday and hopefully we'll be friends here.thanks..
I'm so glad to "meet" you.
You have left off one important item for Blue Monday--the link. Please add:
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Happy Blue Monday.
Hi sally I tried to put the link why is it that when I click it iit's just the blue monday picture that comes out?can you give me a bit of idea how?
thank you..
It may be easier for you to just copy it and paste it right onto your post--how about underneath the bluebird logo?
You can email me for further help at
smilingsal55 AT yahoo DOT com
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Another easy way to connect with me would be for you to leave a comment on my blog. Then, I can answer you by email.
There ya go!
Happy Blue Monday.
Yes..thank you Sally! :) Godbless!
Delighted to meet you! I've signed on to follow...good luck with your new blog! Have fun and enjoy the BLUES!!!
Welcome to Blue Monday. Do not dispair, I understand what you are going through. You cannot imagine what frustration I have been through and still goof all the time. I just know the basics of this blogging, and everything else, someone has to help me. Hang in there. You are doing fine.
precious blue,
cute entry.
Glad to meet!
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